Snack · sweet

Frozen Yogurt Blueberry Bites

Every Wednesday our local newspaper has a section dedicated to food. There are local restaurant reviews, what’s happening in the food scene, and an old lady that give recipes like “basic bread” and “green bean casserole” that crack me up. They also run a lot of syndicated recipes from bigger papers, and I get a lot of ideas from their weekly articles.

This week there was an article dedicated to my number one flavor enhancer: onions. Onions get a bad rap. A lot of people hate them, including my husband and 90 percent of my coworkers. I love onions. Almost every single recipe I use starts with onions. There’s a reason mirepoix and sofritos include the fragrant vegetables. They are absolutely essential, in my opinion, when it comes to cooking.

So, this article. Sorry, I got off on a diatribe about how much I love onions. Anyway, did you know there is a National Onion Association?! Where is this, and more importantly: where can I sign up? If anyone deserves to be on that council, it’s me proclaiming my love of onions to the world. The article also gave me some shocking news. I always thought white onions were the most popular in this country. I was way wrong! 87% of the nation’s onion crop is for yellow onions! Red onions come in a very, very distant second, at 8% and then white is dead last at 5%.

I know you didn’t come here to learn about onions, but I had to step on my tiny pedestal and tell the world my new findings. Now, let’s talk snack foods. I’ve been trying to integrate a lot of healthy snacks into my diet so I don’t just binge on dinner when I get off work. One of those was these little morsels of goodness, and they’re pretty much the easiest thing you could make ever.

I’m pretty sure a toddler would be able to make these snacks.

You only need two ingredients. Yep. Two.

Grab your favorite vanilla yogurt and a box of blueberries and you’re good to go. Make sure you have a silpat or parchment paper so you don’t get yogurt everywhere and then freeze those babies for a few hours. Boom! A perfectly sweet bite and a good midafternoon snack.

Frozen Yogurt Blueberry Bites

  • Servings: 6-8
  • Difficulty: Easy
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A simple, healthy snack made of just two ingredients.


  • 1-2 cups vanilla Greek yogurt
  • 1-2 cups blueberries, cleaned


  1. Lay parchment paper in a rimmed baking sheet. Using a toothpick, spear a blueberry and dip in vanilla yogurt.
  2. Lay dipped blueberries on parchment paper and continue with the rest of your blueberries and yogurt. Freeze for at least one hour until hardened.

Step-By-Step Instructions

Lay parchment paper in a rimmed baking sheet. Using a toothpick, spear a blueberry and dip in vanilla yogurt.

Lay dipped blueberries on parchment paper and continue with the rest of your blueberries and yogurt. Freeze for at least one hour until hardened.


9 thoughts on “Frozen Yogurt Blueberry Bites

  1. Onions and garlic are two of my favourite foods…my favourite onions are red. These look good! I just eat frozen blueberries in plain yogurt and skip the dipping and freezing process, but if I had more patience these would be an awesome snack.

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