Appetizer · Snack · vegetarian

Veggie Pinwheels

I have a strange fascination with pinwheels.

And not just of the food variety. I love the shiny, iridescent plastic ones that kids stick into the front yard and then watch spin around in the breeze. I had a coworker who had a miniature one on her desk and I couldn’t help but flick it every time I walked past it. Pinwheels, guys. I’m easily amused.IMG_3018

Don’t get me wrong, I also love the food pinwheels. Turkey & cheddar. Pimiento & pepper. Ham & swiss. Pinwheels are cute little finger foods that everyone loves—and that everyone can eat a million of in one sitting. I ALWAYS go for the pinwheels at parties, even when I have no clue what is stuffed inside of them.

When I was going through my recipe box the other day, I spotted this recipe. I was only looking for something to make for dinner that night, but I couldn’t help but want to try these. So, with my grocery list in hand, I waltzed through the doors of the grocery store on a mission: to find the ingredients to this childhood favorite.FullSizeRender (187)

I thought the “Vidalia onion salad dressing” would be difficult to find, but not only did I find it—I found MULTIPLE different brands of the stuff! It’s slightly sweet, tangy and creamy, so it compliments the cream cheese and raw veggies well. You can mix & match and expirement with different veggies if you’d like, just remember to keep the creamy base so everything stays snug inside of the tortilla!FullSizeRender (180)

Veggie Pinwheels

  • 1 (8oz.) package cream cheese
  • 2 TBS. Vidalia onion salad dressing
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped fresh broccoli (I pulsed mine in the food processor)
  • 1/4 cup finely grated carrot
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped red onion
  • 1/2 tsp. dill weed
  • 4 whole wheat tortillas
  1. In small bowl, beat cream cheese and salad dressing until well blended. Stir in finely chopped broccoli, carrot, onion and dill weed. FullSizeRender (181)
  2. Spread veggie mix over tortillas. Roll up tightly and wrap with plastic wrap tightly. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours.FullSizeRender (183)
  3. Unwrap & cut each log into 8-10 slices. Makes about 32 pinwheels.FullSizeRender (185)

I think this appetizer would be a great snack for kids…it’s tasty AND you can sneak some veggies in there without them noticing! And everybody loves the pinwheel shape…well, maybe just me, but I love the swirls. Enjoy!FullSizeRender (188)


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